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Naturalistic description of the flora
On balance, therefore, vegetation in this area is forced to lead a very harsh and difficult life. The fight for survival is hard and the more delicate species have no chance to prosper.

It is not easy to colonize rocks smoothed by ice, which offer few opportunities to cling to them, have very few water holes and almost no earth filled cracks, while being exposed to frost and drought (plants don’t die because of the cold but as a result of the lack of humidity) and trying to draw water from the rock pots. This underlines the importance of letting the rock pots fill with water in late autumn.

Emblematic of the Glacier Garden are the roots of the local mountain pine, able to withstand harsh frost in winter and hot sunlight in summer and reach places where abundant water can be found, such as a rock hole or a small spring in the rocks. In other words, they become open air roots and achieve this even if they have not been predisposed for this by their heritage (mountain pines usually have underground roots).

Mountain pine

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